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Entry Registration

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The Virginia Craft Beer Cup is open to Virginia Craft Brewers Guild Members ONLY.

In order to participate in the Cup competition all outstanding Guild membership dues must be paid prior to registration. If you have not yet paid your dues, you can do so using our Online Payment Form.

VCBG Craft breweries are defined as Small (annual production of 6 million barrels of beer or less), independent (less than 25% of the craft brewery is owned or controlled (or equivalent economic interest) by an alcoholic beverage industry member that is not itself a craft brewer) and traditional (a brewer that has a majority of its total beverage alcohol volume in beers whose flavor derives from traditional or innovative brewing ingredients and their fermentation. Flavored malt beverages are not considered beers). If your brewery falls into this desgination but is not a VCBG member, you can join today using our Online Membership Application.

All beers entered in the Virginia Craft Beer Cup must be produced in Virginia and commercially available.

Cup Competition Fee

Registration is $100 per beer entry, up to 4 total entries.

What Does Your Fee Get You?

Registration fees include the submission of up to 4 beers to be judged. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Each VCBG member is limited to a total of 4 beers per brewery membership, not by the number of brewery locations you may have. If you have more than one brewery location, your 4 beer entries may be brewed at any of those locations.

Your registration fee also grants your brewery 2 complimentary tickets to attend the Gala. Only breweries who submit 3 or more beers to this year's Competition will be eligible to receive their free tickets. Tickets may be used by any of your staff, and additional tickets are available for purchase. Check out the VCBG website for more details and Gala tickets.


BJCP 2021 Judging Styles

If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.

1A American Light Lager1B American Lager1C Cream Ale
1D American Wheat Beer2A International Pale Lager2B International Amber Lager
2C International Dark Lager3A Czech Pale Lager3B Czech Premium Pale Lager
3C Czech Amber Lager3D Czech Dark Lager4A Munich Helles
4B Festbier4C Helles Bock5A German Leichtbier
5B Kölsch5C German Helles Exportbier5D German Pils
6A Märzen6B Rauchbier6C Dunkels Bock
7A Vienna Lager7B Altbier8A Munich Dunkel
8B Schwarzbier9A Doppelbock 9B Eisbock
9C Baltic Porter10A Weissbier10B Dunkels Weissbier
10C Weizenbock 11A Ordinary Bitter11B Best Bitter
11C Strong Bitter12A British Golden Ale12B Australian Sparkling Ale
12C English IPA13A Dark Mild13B British Brown Ale
13C English Porter14A Scottish Light14B Scottish Heavy
14C Scottish Export15A Irish Red Ale15B Irish Stout
15C Irish Extra Stout16A Sweet Stout16B Oatmeal Stout
16C Tropical Stout16D Foreign Extra Stout17A British Strong Ale
17A1 Burton Ale17B Old Ale17C Wee Heavy
17D English Barley Wine18A Blonde Ale18B American Pale Ale
19A American Amber Ale19B California Common19C American Brown Ale
20A American Porter20B American Stout20C Imperial Stout
21A American IPA21B Specialty IPA 21B1 Belgian IPA
21B2 Black IPA 21B3 Brown IPA 21B4 Red IPA
21B5 Rye IPA 21B6 White IPA 21B7 Brut IPA
21C Hazy IPA22A Double IPA22B American Strong Ale
22C American Barleywine22D Wheatwine23A Berliner Weisse
23B Flanders Red Ale23C Oud Bruin23D Lambic
23E Gueuze23F Fruit Lambic 23G Gose
24A Witbier24B Belgian Pale Ale24C Bière de Garde
25A Belgian Blond Ale25B Saison 25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale
26A Belgian Single26B Belgian Dubbel26C Belgian Tripel
26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale27A Historical Beer 27A1 Kellerbier
27A2 Kentucky Common27A3 Lichtenhainer27A4 London Brown Ale
27A5 Piwo Grodziskie27A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager27A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter
27A8 Roggenbier27A9 Sahti28A Brett Beer
28B Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer 28C Wild Specialty Beer 28D Straight Sour Beer
29A Fruit Beer 29B Fruit and Spice Beer 29C Specialty Fruit Beer
29D Grape Ale 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 30B Autumn Seasonal Beer
30C Winter Seasonal Beer 30D Specialty Spice Beer 31A Alternative Grain Beer
31B Alternative Sugar Beer 32A Classic Style Smoked Beer 32B Specialty Smoked Beer
33A Wood-Aged Beer 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer 34A Commercial Specialty Beer
34B Mixed-Style Beer 34C Experimental Beer  


Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 4

Judging Sessions

Friday, May 31st 7:00pm
Friday, May 31, 2024 7:00 PM, EDT

Saturday, June 1st 9:00am
Saturday, June 1, 2024 9:00 AM, EDT

Saturday, June 1st 1:00pm
Saturday, June 1, 2024 1:00 PM, EDT

Friday, June 7th 7:00pm
Friday, June 7, 2024 7:00 PM, EDT

Saturday, June 8th 9:00am
Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:00 AM, EDT

Saturday, June 8th 1:00pm
Saturday, June 8, 2024 1:00 PM, EDT

Best of Show
Saturday, June 8, 2024 4:00 PM, EDT


Best of Show

Gold Medal Winners from each Table will automatically qualify for consideration in the Virginia Craft Beer Cup "Best of Show" Award. Our Best of Show winner will get their name on the Virginia Craft Beer Cup.



The winners of the Virginia Craft Beer Cup will be announced at our annual Gala. Check out our VCBG websitefor details.

Judging Guidelines

Entries will be judged according to the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines. BJCP Certified judges will provide written feedback on each submission. Beers will be judged according to the style in which they were submitted, however, it does not necessarily mean award medals will go to the top three finishers in a category.

Entries may be collapsed by Style Family (forming Tables) in accordance with Appendix A-3 of the BJCP Guidelines. Based on the number of entries in a given category, some styles will be judged independently, while some styles may be collapsed further. All collapsing will be done under guidance from the BJCP Style Guide.

When judges decide a Table contains three excellent examples of the style, they award gold (1st place), silver (2nd place) and bronze (3rd place) medals. If judges think that no beer in the category meets the quality and style-accuracy criteria, they may elect not to award a medal. Judges may also award a silver or a bronze medal but not award a gold medal in a category. In addition, a judge may award an entry with an Honorable Mention.

Regardless, if only one beer is submitted for a specific style of beer, it will be judged against quality and style-accuracy criteria and judges may or may not award a medal.

Regardless of any collapsed categorization, scoring is based on how the judges evaluate a given entry against the style it was entered into.


Awards Ceremony

Farm Bureau Center at the Virginia State Fairgrounds in Doswell Virginia
13191 Dawn Blvd Doswell, VA 23047 United States
Monday, July 22, 2024 6:00 PM, EDT
